Two women seeking equality in a state where some couples are more equal than others.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Silver Linings Club: I'm Exhausted but Grateful

The last three weeks have been a lot. I've spent much time overwhelmed, in tears, and calling in reinforcements to keep me from utterly falling apart. Everything is moved into the new apartment in Southgate, the essentials are unpacked, furniture is arranged into a non-deathtrap configuration, the cats are settling in, and our rent will be $150 a month cheaper. I have an awesome team of family and friends that came together to help.

Not to mention that although our dishwasher is smaller, it actually works. There are six washers and six dryers in our laundry room, meaning that I could do all of the laundry at once if I get there at a time no one else is using them. We have one of those spray-nozzle-hose thingies on our kitchen sink. The dishwasher is in a location that makes sense. The stove has two big burners instead of one. The leasing office staff is actually . . . nice, and our lease here isn't written in size 9 font. We're 3/4 mile from I75. There's a heat lamp in our shower area - I haven't had one of those since I was sharing a community bathroom with 30 other women in my 1 South Mason crew (Rebecca included). Our walk-in closet is set up to maximize space. Actually, the whole apartment is, unlike the last one.

Beyond that, I am warm. I have running water. I have enough food. I have a helpmate who loves me and provides compassionate medical care for a living. She had a day off yesterday (I had to work in the morning), so I came home to three loads of laundry done, and we got to unpack together and make dinner and marvel over the conveniences of this apartment together.

And we're on track to close on our house (well, mostly). And it's a beautiful home that will allow us to do so much, in a beautiful neighborhood with wonderful neighbors. I can't wait to live beside them. When I think of them, my face relaxes into a smile, almost involuntarily. Pulling into my neighborhood, my driveway, walking up to my door, I am so grateful that I will get to do these small things.

I'm looking for silver linings, and every one I find seems to beget another. Gratitude begets gratitude. Joy begets joy. Let's choose gratitude together.

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