Two women seeking equality in a state where some couples are more equal than others.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

No, My Profile Pic Isn't a Red Equal Sign

And it won't be. I know the Human Rights Campaign wants me to change it. I get it that it would "raise awareness" about the upcoming Supreme Court marriage equality case.

But honestly, beautiful readers, I'm tired. I'm tired of having to tell people about something that has been in the news over and over that they already know about if they generally track current events. I'm tired of having to check boxes to be entitled to civil rights. When is there enough posted on social media? When have I contributed to enough petitions? When have I shared my stories enough for you to understand? (Incidentally, you can still find my stories here. I'm not discontinuing the blog.)

My marriage exists. It's not perfect. No one's is. But I'm tired of checking boxes and having to have, at least in public, a better marriage than my heterosexual peers to be deserving of legal recognition.

The Supreme Court will not be checking my facebook profile in their decision. They shouldn't be. Social media doesn't determine whether heightened scrutiny is warranted, or whether the Constitution promises equal protection, or whether Loving v. Virginia is a reasonable precedent, or if having already allowed hundreds or thousands of couples across many of the states now in question to get married or file federal taxes would create undue hardship if they upheld state level bans on marriage equality, or whether religion gets a say in civil marriage, or whose amicus briefs have it right, or many other things that actually have bearing on this case.

No shade on those who are doing these things. In fact, props for denying cynicism and participating in the process. I voted and won't stop voted. I wrote my legislators and governor, multiple times. My story is here, in digestible installments. I don't know how putting my face in a red box again, like I did for DOMA, will help.

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