Two women seeking equality in a state where some couples are more equal than others.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

That Thing

We did that thing. The thing that every bride-to-be does, without meaning to. The thing that ends up being a problem in the end when everything is said and done. The thing that most brides promise themselves not to do.

I don't mean being a bride-zilla, although I'm sure that will happen at some point (and when it does, I promise to hang my head in shame and write a post about it).

I mean that we spent more than we intended to and created extra work for ourselves.

See, I had this brilliant idea. We're in México, right? And we love Mexican art. We'd already purchased two amate paintings. Then I thought, why not use amate paintings for our invitations? Surely we could find an artisan willing to sell us 60 or so for a good price. We had already calculated that getting them printed through a standard printing website would be about $50, so certainly we could do it for that.

So we headed down to the artisan market. We did, in fact, find amate in the perfect size. We did, in fact, find exquisitely beautiful amate. The only problem? Amate generally costs about 10 pesos, or a little less than $1. We bargained with a couple different vendors, since nobody had enough paintings to buy from a single artisan, and we ended up paying $550 pesos, or about $50.

This sounds good, right? It sounds like we came out at the same price. However, we've now given the mouse a cookie, because we cannot simply mail people an amate painting. We still must get a card printed and put into an envelope. The plan is to buy blank note cards a little bigger than the paintings and rubber cement the paintings to the front after we print them off at home. Still, this is an added expense and effort.

So we did that thing. Anyone want to come help us assemble invites?

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